Sunday, November 20, 2011

Entry #8: The Battle of Saratoga 10/02/1777

The redcoats aren’t as tricky as the patriots. A man called Burgoyne, a Loyalist, made a plan to push through New York State and cut off the New England colonies from all the other colonies. He would invade from Canada and recapture Ft. Ticonderoga and sweep south to Albany. While he was traveling down, General Howe was supposed to sail up the Hudson River to meet him, strangling New England colonies. However, from the lack of communication, General Howe sailed up the Chesapeake Bay to capture Philadelphia and then retired for the winter. Burgoyne still went to Albany; meanwhile the Americans were waiting for him and his troops. They surrendered badly; this was the turning point of the war.

revolutionary war timeline. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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