Monday, November 21, 2011

Entry #20: Treaty of Paris 12/29/1783

It is done. I heard the treaty of Paris has just been passed. It shows that Great Britain recognized the independence of the United States and also to set borders for America. These past few years have been hard for all of us and it will be hard to recover from all the tragedies. We gave back all of our prisoners of war and we all feel extremely safe and relieved.

At first I thought colonists couldn't compare to the strong, powerful, and plentiful British military. Meanwhile, I noticed further along how much independence meant to the patriots and I respected that. They won because: they had strong leaders like George Wahington, had plenty of practice with the various battles, and they stood up to what they believed in.

    Battles of the american revolution. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Entry #19: It’s Almost Over 12/03/1783

I heard a treaty to end the war is coming soon and all the British soldiers are leaving. In New York on November 25 all the troops left and that is about all of them. I am super relieved and scared how it will be to be independent without Britain.

    Battles of the american revolution. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Entry #18: Becoming Officially Independent 08/19/1782

It came. The final battle of the Revolutionary War happened when Americans retaliate by attacking a Shawnee village in Ohio. Everyone is rejoicing because the war is almost over and we are now independent.

    Battles of the american revolution. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Entry #17: Peace Talks 02/17/1782

We have had peace talks with the king but nothing has been final yet. Ben Franklin has been a key role in the negotiations and I hope it officially ends soon. But the English Parliment votes against further war in America.

    revolutionary war timeline. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Entry #16: Battle of Yorktown 10/16/1781

I just got more news. The patriots won a huge battle. Even though everything was going bad for the patriots they still won a battle. Cornwallis and his troops of 7,200 men moved to Yorktown, Virginia. Then, George Washington heard of him coming so he ordered Lafayette to block the ships so British ships can not escape. Next, George got 2,500 troops and 4,000 French troops. Finally, George surrounded Cornwallis and attacked. When it was all over they surrendered and the colonists took 8,000 British prisoners.
revolutionary war timeline. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Entry #15: Going Down Hill 05/03/1781

The patriots are losing in the south. They are low on money to pay for soldiers and supplies. The British has taken over Georgia, Philadelphia, and New York. The famous Benedict Arnold has even become a traitor. Things were going bad for the patriots in the south.
revolutionary war timeline. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Entry #14: The Failed Attack 09/09/1780

The south are trying to fight back but the British are too strong. In August, a Patriot by the name of Horatio Gates planned to drive the British out of Camden, South Carolina. However, when they attacked they were weak, tired, and hot. They drastically lost this battle against the overpowering British.
Meanwhile, the patriots have thought of another idea. Francis Marion had created a hit and run army with guerrilla soldiers. They later called Francis “Swamp Fox”.
    Battles of the american revolution. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Entry #13: Backing Off 04/26/1780

After all of their victorious battles won by the colonists, the British have begun to back off. Meanwhile, while their leaving us up north alone; they are starting to fight with the south. They have taken another approach by moving to the south to fight. With the British general, General Henry Clinton they are overtaking many colonies like Georgia. Their main target recently was Charleston, South Carolina. He won easily. Henry brought fourteen thousand troops and at the end he had only two-hundred and fifty casualties. When Charleston surrendered, Britain gained 5,400 prisoners, and this battle was one of Britain’s biggest victories.
    Battles of the american revolution. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Entry #12: George Rogers Clark 02/18/1779

Far away from here, you won’t believe what happened! A surveyor named George Rogers Clark along the Ohio and Kentucky River created a huge army. He brought one of his many troops to Ft. Sackville and had yet another surprise attack. The commander of the fort had to surrender. The Revolutionary War is going downhill; the Americans are winning.
    Battles of the american revolution. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Entry #11: Anchors In 10/11/1779

Wars! Wars! Wars! Not only do they happen on land but also in the water. John Paul Jones, which is a clever sailor, works with the patriots. Though he has been through various other battles, this one has become the most popular.

Once the British destroyed one of John’s ships the war was on. This battle took more than two hours until the British surrendered. We won by losing one hundred ships compared by them losing two hundred ships.
revolutionary war timeline. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Entry #10: Valley Forge 12/31/1778

I just heard some terrible news. One of George Washington’s troops had been settled in Philadelphia and was short on food and clothing. During the winter many people died of diseases such as malnutrition. Linus has given up and we have became neutral, neither Patriot nor Loyalist. However I still root for Patriots.
bunker hill. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Entry #9: French and Spanish Leaders 03/27/1778

We are all depressed. The colonists are totally winning, and their gaining more help from French and Spanish. Marquis de Lafayette, a Frenchmen, has brought his own ship with well-trained soldiers to help the Patriots. Then there is Baron Friedrich von Steuben, a military officer that also has decided to help the colonists. There are many others that I heard that are helping out the colonists. I now know the British is going to lose, meanwhile this whole war thing is both exciting and frightening.
    Battles of the american revolution. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Entry #8: The Battle of Saratoga 10/02/1777

The redcoats aren’t as tricky as the patriots. A man called Burgoyne, a Loyalist, made a plan to push through New York State and cut off the New England colonies from all the other colonies. He would invade from Canada and recapture Ft. Ticonderoga and sweep south to Albany. While he was traveling down, General Howe was supposed to sail up the Hudson River to meet him, strangling New England colonies. However, from the lack of communication, General Howe sailed up the Chesapeake Bay to capture Philadelphia and then retired for the winter. Burgoyne still went to Albany; meanwhile the Americans were waiting for him and his troops. They surrendered badly; this was the turning point of the war.

revolutionary war timeline. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Entry #7: Battle of Princeton 01/22/1777

The patriots are trickier then I thought. After the Battle of Trenton, the colonists designed another trap. They lured General Charles Cornwallis by setting campfires for them to “surprise attack” the colonists, meanwhile the colonists tricked them. While the British army got near the campfires, the Americans circled around the troops and attacked. The redcoats fled and sadly the colonists won yet another victory.
revolutionary war timeline. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Entry #6: Battle of Trenton 12/30/1776

Christmas went by so fast and the celebrating didn’t last long. While we were rejoicing the patriots were constructing a plan, qanother surprise attack. In New Jersey, many Americans, including George Washington, crept through the Delaware River and surprised the Hessians and attacked. They won the victory easily with the surprise attack and held 900 prisoners captive. Right now, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Patriots won the war.
 Battles of the american revolution. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Entry #5: Signing of the D.O.F. 07/18/1776

I am definitely baffled. The patriots have just created another document, but people are fussing about it. On July fourth many important colonists and strong patriots signed the Declaration of Independence. This significant paper addressed our rights and liberties, and officially announced the colonies’ break from Great Britain. It was wrote by the famous Thomas Jefferson and others and expressed that we posses unalienable rights such as: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. He accused the king of pressing unfair laws and high taxes. I don’t know how to react but Linus is furious. Many Loyalists are moving to Canada and we are thinking about it. I confused about what to do.
Battles of the american revolution. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Entry #4: Common Sense 01/27/1776

It’s going back and forth; the numerous battles are won then lost by the British. The rebels are still boycotting, making speeches, and writing books to persuade us to become independent. Only a few of these techniques actually become really popular, such as the Common Sense by Thomas Paine. This forty-seven page pamphlet explained why citizens should make the laws instead of the king. Like all the other documents, it pushed that independence in the colonies would be a great improvement to us colonists. The reason I know so much about this is because I have read the whole book. Don’t tell Linus.
revolutionary war timeline. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Entry #3: Battle of Bunker Hill 06/13/1775

I just acquired more news. It is another battle that colonists are going crazy about, The Battle of Bunker Hill. The redcoats came up the hill two rounds getting defeated, however on the third round the colonists ran out of ammo and we win. Many British soldiers died during this battle and only a few colonists, so they think it was a victory and a big accomplishment for them.

Before their self-esteem rose from the Battle of Bunker Hill, a group called the Green Mountain Boys went to Ft. Ticonderoga to steal their weapons. They surprised the leader of the fort and he had to surrender all weapons, even the heavy cannons. I could not consider what was happening, the colonists were ending the agreement with the British and trying to begin a world of independence.

revolutionary war timeline. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Entry #2: Lexington and Concord 05/07/1775

You won’t believe what happened; there was a shooting in Lexington and Concord! General Thomas Gage heard rumors of colonists stocking weapons there, so he went with his troops to figure out if the gossip was true. When they arrived Paul Revere and William Dawes already warned the militias to hide from the redcoats. Then, someone shot there weapon and the battle began. However, of course, the British troops won and headed to Concord. Since the minutemen were more prepared this time, General Gage and his troops lost and fled. Even though there were just a couple casualties to this short battle I knew it would not be the last one.

revolutionary war timeline. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Monday, November 14, 2011

Entry #1: The Beginning 02/23/1775

My name is Alice Rivers and have just married to Linus Rivers. We live in Providence, Rhode Island in a fairly large white house with no children. Linus works as a wealthy merchant while I stay at home and do chores. Nothing has occurred lately besides a few colonists that just keep arguing about us not having any independence and that bugged me.Not that I'm a very strong loyalist like Linus, I just think it shouldn't be such a big deal. I pondered on if there would be anything important that would happen with the angry colonists and the king. All I could do was wait and see.

Battles of the american revolution. (n.d.). Retrieved from